Lauren and Sam graciously invited me into their beautiful home to capture some last family memories before moving! This was special, since it was their first home in Brambleton, VA. They had made so many memories there with their two daughters, and Lauren and Sam wanted to celebrate that. I don’t own a place yet (can you imagine having to buy/sell a house with how often we’ve moved?!), but I know that I’ll want to do a shoot like this when we leave our first place.
When I arrived, their youngest daughter was just being woken up from a nap. Anyone with kids knows what it’s like to wake up a little one before their nap is up. She was NOT into me and my camera. It took almost the entire session, but at the end I won her over ;) Until then, we focused on Zoë and got the best laughs from her. There’s no stress if one of the kids isn’t in the best mood for photos- we make do! By not forcing her into smiling, or even looking at the camera, she was able to open up at her pace! Or maybe it was that her mom let her jump on the bed, just this once.

P.S. If you're looking to buy/sell a home, Shubkarmen Sawhney (peep that name on the sign in the photo above) is the best. Email her, you won't be sorry!